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Pet osoba osuđeno na smrt za napade u Mumbaiju

epa04956810 Indian police officers escort a man accused of being involved in Mumbai's serial bombings of commuter trains in 2006, at Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai, India, 30 September 2015. An Indian court sentenced five men to death on 30 September 2015 for the multiple blasts on Mumbai's local trains in 2006 that killed 189 people, lawyers said. A total of 12 accused were found guilty of murder and criminal conspiracy among other charges by special judge YD Shinde two weeks ago. Four other convicts were given life in prison while the remaining three were given varying jail terms, said Gulzar Azmi, representative of the organization providing legal aid to the accused. Azmi said the decision would be challenged in a higher court. The men given death sentences were those who had planted the bombs on Mumbai's busy rail network, India Today television reported. The coordinated blasts in India's financial hub on 11 July 2006 also left over 800 injured. Indian investigators alleged that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency planned the blasts and they were carried out by the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba group with help from the Students' Islamic Movement of India, a banned group. Pakistan rejected the allegations. Fifteen people accused of involvement in the attacks, including the alleged masterminds, have never been caught. EPA/DIVYAKANT SOLANKI

Pet osoba je osuđeno na smrt u srijedu zbog niza napada iz 2006. na vlakove u predgrađu Mumbaija, gospodarskog središta Indije, u kojima je poginulo 189 osoba, izvijestila je agencija Press Trust of India.

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Poseban sud u Mumbaiju osudio je još sedam osoba na doživotni zatvor zbog sudjelovanja u tim napadima.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Tih je 12 osoba proglašeno krivima za ubojstvo, zavjeru i ratni čin.

U napadima 11. srpnja 2006. ranjeno je oko 800 ljudi.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Nakon istrage podignute su optužnice protiv 30 osoba, od kojih je dio još uvijek u bijgu.

Eksplozije su predstavljale odmazdu za pobune koje su pogodile Gujarat 2002. pri čemu je bilo više od 1.000 mrtvih, većinom muslimana.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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