(FOTO) Odličan styling: Predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović u elegantnom izdanju na konferenciji UN-a
Foto: fah, facebook, fah; fotomontaža: narod.hr
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Sudjelujući na konferenciji Ujedinjenih naroda “Žene na vlasti” održanoj u New Yorku hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović plijenila je pozornost svojom elegancijom.
Foto: Fah
New York, 12.3.2019 - Na marginama dananje konferencije Ujedinjenih Naroda ene na vlasti, hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitaroviæ odrala je bilateralni sastanak s glavnim tajnikom UN-a Antóniom Guterresom, priopæeno je u utorak iz njezina Ureda.
foto HINA/ UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe/ ua
New York, 12.3.2019 - Na marginama dananje konferencije Ujedinjenih Naroda ene na vlasti, hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitaroviæ odrala je bilateralni sastanak s glavnim tajnikom UN-a Antóniom Guterresom, priopæeno je u utorak iz njezina Ureda.
foto HINA/ UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe/ ua
epa07431539 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (3-L), President of Croatia, speaks as journalist Shery Ahn (L), Diene Keita (2-L), Minister for Cooperation and African Integration of Guinea, Kersti Kaljulaid (3-R), President of Estonia, Katrin Jakobsdottir (2-R), Prime Minister of Iceland, and Alain Berset (R), the Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs for Switzerland, listen during a roundtable discussion at the high-level event 'Women in Power' in General Assembly Hall at United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa07431383 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (C), the President of Croatia, talks with her delegation during the high-level event 'Women in Power' in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa07431540 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (3-L), President of Croatia, speaks as journalist Shery Ahn (L), Diene Keita (2-L), Minister for Cooperation and African Integration of Guinea, and Kersti Kaljulaid (R), President of Estonia, listen during a roundtable discussion at the high-level event 'Women in Power' in General Assembly Hall at United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa07431541 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (2-L), President of Croatia, speaks as Diene Keita (L), Minister for Cooperation and African Integration of Guinea, Kersti Kaljulaid (2-R), President of Estonia, and Katrin Jakobsdottir (R), Prime Minister of Iceland, listen during a roundtable discussion at the high-level event 'Women in Power' in General Assembly Hall at United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa07431464 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (on screen), President of Croatia, speaks during a roundtable discussion at the high-level event 'Women in Power' in General Assembly Hall at United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
Foto: Fah
epa07431465 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (on screen), President of Croatia, speaks during a roundtable discussion at the high-level event 'Women in Power' in General Assembly Hall at United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 12 March 2019. The event gathered delegates from around the world to discuss women's roles in leadership positions and ways to address issues of gender inequity. EPA/JUSTIN LANE ALTERNATIVER CROP
Foto: facebook
Foto: UN-Photo-Eskinder-Debebe , Secretary General Antonio Guterres meeting with H.E. Ms. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi?, President, REPUBLIC OF CROATIA.
Foto: Ured Predsjednice
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Za ovu konferenciju predsjednica je odabrala tamnoplavu i svijetloplavu kombinaciju sa svijetlim detaljima.
Nosila je tamnoplavu haljinu sa svijetloplavom (cijan) ukrasnom vrpcom oko struka i detaljima iste boje na ramenima te dulji blejzer koji prati liniju tijela, također u nježnoj svijetloplavoj boji. Cipele u istom tonu također su doprinijele elegantnom izgledu.
Dojam je upotpunila mladenačkom frizurom počešljanom u stranu.
Za bilateralni sastanak s potpredsjednicom Kolumbije Martom Lucíom Ramírez, Predsjednica je odijenula strukiranu zelenu haljinu s tričetvrt rukavima. Sugovornice su tijekom razgovora zaključile kako dvije države imaju tradicionalno dobre bilateralne odnose i bez otvorenih pitanja.
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