epa09811330 Munich's Thomas Mueller (L) celebrates with Munich's Robert Lewandowski (R) after scoring a goal during the UEFA Champions League round of sixteen, second leg soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and RB Salzburg in Munich, Germany, 08 March 2022. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
Bayern je u uzvratnom susretu osmine finala Lige prvaka pobijedio Salzburg sa 7:1, pa je nakon 1:1 iz prve utakmice na kraju s uvjerljivih 8:2 prošao u četvrtfinale.
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epa09811050 Munich's Robert Lewandowski scores the 1-0 goal from the penalty spot during the UEFA Champions League round of sixteen, second leg soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and RB Salzburg in Munich, Germany, 08 March 2022. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa09811029 Munich's Lucas Hernandez (R) and Salzburg's Karim Adeyemi (L) in action during the UEFA Champions League round of sixteen, second leg soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and RB Salzburg in Munich, Germany, 08 March 2022. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa09811024 The word Peace is seen in Latin and Cyrillic script on a display ahead of the UEFA Champions League round of sixteen, second leg soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and RB Salzburg in Munich, Germany, 08 March 2022. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa09811330 Munich's Thomas Mueller (L) celebrates with Munich's Robert Lewandowski (R) after scoring a goal during the UEFA Champions League round of sixteen, second leg soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and RB Salzburg in Munich, Germany, 08 March 2022. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
Sjajan je bio Robert Lewandowski, koji je ostvario “hat-trick”, postavši prvi nogometaš u povijesti Lige prvaka kojemu je to uspjelo u prve 23 minute dvoboja (12, 21, 23).
Do kraja su Austrijance potopili Serge Gnabry (31), Thomas Mueller (54, 83) i Leroy Sane (86). Jedini gol za goste zabio je Maurits Kjaergaard u 70. minuti.
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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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