Hrvatska rukometna reprezentacija je u prvom kolu drugog dijela natjecanja po skupinama SP-a u Egiptu bez većih problema pobijedila reprezentaciju Bahreina 28:18.
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epa08956151 Croatia's Igor Karacic (L) in action against Bahrain's Mohamed Merza (R) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Anne-Christine Poujoulat / POOL
epa08956136 Bahrain's Ahmed Fadhul (R) in action against Croatia goalkeeper Marin Sego (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956137 Bahrain's Husain Alsayyad (L) in action against Croatia's Domagoj Duvnjak (R) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956139 Croatia's Zlatko Horvat (R) in action against Bahrain goalkeeper Mohamed A. Husain (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Anne-Christine Poujoulat / POOL
epa08956140 Croatia's Zlatko Horvat (R) in action against Bahrain goalkeeper Mohamed A. Husain (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956110 Croatia head coach Lino Cervar reacts during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956111 Bahrain's Mohamed Ahmed (R) in action against Croatia's David Mandic (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Anne-Christine Poujoulat / POOL
epa08956080 Croatia's Zlatko Horvat (R) in action against Bahrain goalkeeper Mohamed A. Husain (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956081 Bahrain's Mohamed Abdulredha (R) in action against Croatia's Marko Mamic (L) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Mohamed Abd El Ghany / POOL
epa08956082 Bahrain's Mohamed Ahmed (L) in action against Croatia's David Mandic (R) during the match between Croatia and Bahrain at the 27th Men's Handball World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, 21 January 2021. EPA/Anne-Christine Poujoulat / POOL
Hrvatska je ušla u utakmicu ozbiljno i agresivno i obranom je razbijala protivnika, Šego je odlično branio, obrana je bila čvrsta.
U nastavku je Hrvatska igrala na pola snage, toliko da rutinski privede utakmicu kraju, a Červar je dao priliku igračima koji su manje igrali do sada da uđu u ritam, da osjete loptu i da se najvažniji igrači malo odmore.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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