epa09034111 Tottenham's Dele Alli (R) celebrates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the UEFA Europa League round of 32, second leg soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Wolfsberger AC in London, Britain, 24 February 2021. EPA/John Walton / POOL
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Nogometaši Tottenhama plasirali su se u osminu finala Europske lige nakon što su u s dvije uvjerljive pobjede preskočili austrijski Wolfsberger. Prvo su u Budimpešti pobijedili sa 4-1, a večeras su u Londonu slavili sa 4-0.
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epa09034322 Tottenham Hotspur's Portuguese head coach Jose Mourinho reacts during the UEFA Europa League round of 32, second leg soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Wolfsberger AC in London, Britain, 24 February 2021. EPA/John Walton / POOL
epa09034111 Tottenham's Dele Alli (R) celebrates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the UEFA Europa League round of 32, second leg soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Wolfsberger AC in London, Britain, 24 February 2021. EPA/John Walton / POOL
epa09034130 Tottenham's Erik Lamela (L) in action against Wolfsberg's Christopher Wernitznig (R) during the UEFA Europa League round of 32, second leg soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Wolfsberger AC in London, Britain, 24 February 2021. EPA/John Walton / POOL
epa09034260 Tottenham's Moussa Sissoko (L) in action against Wolfsberg's Christopher Wernitznig (R) during the UEFA Europa League round of 32, second leg soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Wolfsberger AC in London, Britain, 24 February 2021. EPA/John Walton / POOL
Domaćin je poveo u 11. minuti fantastičnim škaricama Dele Allija, a potom su u drugom dijelu susreta golove zabili Carlos Vinicius (50, 83) i Gareth Bale (73).
Preostalih 15 susreta na rasporedu je u četvrtak. Prve utakmice osmine finala EL su 11. ožujka, a uzvratni dvoboji su sedam dana kasnije.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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