Najbolji hrvatski tenisač Marin Čilić plasirao se u treće kolo prvog ovogodišnjeg Grand Slam turnira Australian Open nakon što je sa 7-5, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4 pobijedio Amerikanca MacKenziea McDonalda.
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epa07288076 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action during his round two men's singles match against Mackenzie McDonald of the USA at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
Foto: fah
epa07288083 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action during his round two men's singles match against Mackenzie McDonald of USA at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAMepa07288150 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of the USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/HAMISH BLAIR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa07288152 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of the USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/HAMISH BLAIR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa07288213 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
epa07288300 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of the USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
epa07288364 Marin Cilic of Croatia reacts while in action against Mackenzie McDonald of USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
epa07288367 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
epa07288370 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/MAST IRHAM
epa07288377 Marin Cilic of Croatia in action against Mackenzie McDonald of the USA during their second round men's singles match at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament in Melbourne, Australia, 16 January 2019. EPA/HAMISH BLAIR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
Čilić je u ponedjeljak za dva sata i tri minute svladao Australca Bernarda Tomića sa 6-2, 6-4, 7-6 (3) u prvom kolu Australian Opena.
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