epa08694540 Hajduk Split's Nihad Mujakic (R) in action against Galatasaray's Sofiane Feghouli (L) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
(FOTO) Hajduk se dobro držao u trećem pretkolu Europske lige, ali potpuno pao u završnici protiv Galatasaraya
Nogometaši Hajduka oprostili su se od europske sezone za ovu godinu nakon što su u 3. pretkolu Europske lige poraženi od Galatasaraya u Istanbulu 2:0.
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epa08694460 Hajduk Split's Jairo (R) in action against Galatasaray's Emre Tasdemir (L) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694454 Hajduk Split's Nihad Mujakic (front) in action against Galatasaray's Taylan Antalyali (back) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694484 Hajduk Split's goalkeeper Josip Posavec (R) in action against Galatasaray's Mbaye Diagne (L) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694485 Hajduk Split's goalkeeper Josip Posavec (R) in action against Galatasaray's Mbaye Diagne (L) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694540 Hajduk Split's Nihad Mujakic (R) in action against Galatasaray's Sofiane Feghouli (L) during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694538 Hajduk Split's goalkeeper Josip Posavec reacts during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694465 Hajduk Split's head coach Hari Vukas prays before the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694679 Hajduk Split's Dimitrios Diamantakos reacts during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa08694834 Galatasaray's Younes Belhanda (C-R) celebrates with teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the UEFA Europa League third qualifying round soccer match between Galatasaray and Hajduk Split in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 September 2020. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
Dobro su se držali dobar dio susreta, no onda je Belhanda probio Posavca u 77. minuti, a drugi gol je zabio Babel u 86. minuti.
U idućoj fazi Galatasaray će gostovati kod pobjednika dvoboja između nizozemskog Willem II i škotskog Rangersa.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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