epa08665469 Naomi Osaka of Japan celebrates with the Championship Trophy after defeating Victoria Azarenka to win the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JASON SZENES
(FOTO) Osaka preokretom protiv Azarenke do naslova na US Openu
Naomi Osaka osvojila je Grand Slam turnir US Open svladavši u New Yorku 27. igračicu svijeta Bjeloruskinju Viktoriju Azarenku s 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 nakon nepuna dva sata igre.
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epa08665557 Naomi Osaka of Japan reacts after defeating Victoria Azarenka to win the Women's Final match on day thirteen of the US Open tennis championships at the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa08665386 Victoria Azarenka of Belarus hits a return to Naomi Osaka of Japan during the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa08665390 Naomi Osaka of Japan hits a return to Victoria Azarenka of Belarus during the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JASON SZENES
epaselect epa08665467 Naomi Osaka of Japan celebrates with the Championship Trophy after defeating Victoria Azarenka to win the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa08665469 Naomi Osaka of Japan celebrates with the Championship Trophy after defeating Victoria Azarenka to win the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa08665475 Naomi Osaka of Japan (R) and Victoria Azarenka of Belarus during the trophy ceremony after the Women's Final match on the thirteenth day of the US Open Tennis Championships the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US Open is being played without fans and runs from 31 August through 13 September. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa08665524 Naomi Osaka (3-R) of Japan celebrates with the championship trophy, her coaches and family, after defeating Victoria Azarenka of Belarus to win the Women's Final match on day thirteen of the US Open tennis championships at the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa08665522 Naomi Osaka of Japan celebrates with the championship trophy after defeating Victoria Azarenka to win the Women's Final match on day thirteen of the US Open tennis championships at the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, USA, 12 September 2020. EPA/JASON SZENES
Naomi Osaka wore this Kobe Bryant jersey after all her matches at the U.S. Open
She said it gave her strength ??
(via @naomiosaka) pic.twitter.com/4roByGCN9p
Do svoje je treće Grand Slam titule i druge na US Openu došla preokretom.
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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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