Utorak, 25 ožujka, 2025
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Murray prolazi kroz teško razdoblje: Igra mi toliko nedostaje da bi dao sve da se mogu vratiti



Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Tenisač Andy Murray zbog ozljede kuka morat će pauzirati neko vrijeme.

“Želim se ispričati svima koji su me htjeli doći gledati. Hvala organizatorima koji me razumiju i podržavaju. U jako sam teškom razdoblju zbog ozljede kuka i sastao sam se s brojnim specijalistima. Preporučili su mi da se priklonim konzervativnim metodama liječenja. Vjerujte, od US Opena sam učinio sve da se vratim na natjecanja. Operacija je također opcija, ali šanse za uspješan oporavak nisu velike koliko bih želio. Izabrao sam ovu fotografiju jer dijete u meni samo želi igrati tenis i natjecati se. Igra mi toliko nedostaje da bi dao sve da se mogu vratiti. Do prije nekoliko mjeseci nisam bio svjestan koliko volim ovu igru. Svaki put kad se probudim iz sna nadam se da je moj kuk bolje i prilično je demoralizirajuće kad shvatiš da nije onoliko dobro koliko treba za natjecanje. Oprostite na ovom dugačkom postu, no htio sam da svi znate kako stvari stoje, a želim i skinuti taj teret sa sebe jer me to doista boli iznutra”, objavio je na svom Instagramu.

Hey everyone.. Just wanted to write a little message on here for anyone interested in what in going through right now. Firstly I want to apologise to @brisbanetennis for withdrawing at late notice and to everyone who wanted to come along to watch me play(or lose?) The organisers couldn’t have been more understanding and supportive and I’ll always remember that. Thank you. I’ve obviously been going through a really difficult period with my hip for a long time and have sought council from a number of hip specialists. Having been recommended to treat my hip conservatively since the US Open I have done everything asked of me from a rehab perspective and worked extremely hard to try get back on the court competing. Having played practice sets here in Brisbane with some top players unfortunately this hasn’t worked yet to get me to the level I would like so I have to reassess my options. Obviously continuing rehab is one option and giving my hip more time to recover. Surgery is also an option but the chances of a successful outcome are not as I high as I would like which has made this my secondary option and my hope has been to avoid that. However this is something I may have to consider but let’s hope not. I choose this pic as the little kid inside me just wants to play tennis and Compete.. I genuinely miss it so much and i would give anything to be back out there. I didn’t realise until these last few months just how much I love this game. Everytime I wake up from sleeping or napping i hope that it’s better and it’s quite demoralising when you get on the court it’s not at the level you need it to be to compete at this level. In the short term I’m going to be staying in Australia for the next couple of days to see if my hip settles down a bit and will decide by the weekend whether to stay out here or fly home to assess what I do next. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to keep everyone in the loop and get this off my chest as it’s really hurting inside. Hope to see you back on the court soon ??❤️

Objavu dijeli Andy Murray (@andymurray)

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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