Petak, 21 ožujka, 2025
5.5 C
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Prvi čovjek koji je sam prešao Antarktiku: 1500km za 54 dana



Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Colin O’Brady postao je u srijedu prvi čovjek koji je sam samcat prešao Antarktiku, nakon posljednje etape koja je trajala 32 sata.

Tridesettrogodišnjem Amerikancu trebala su 54 dana da na skijama završi 1500 kilometara dugo putovanje s jedne na drugu obalu zaleđenog kontinenta.

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Day 46: GRAVITY. I feel like I’m flying!!! Well I must say it feels really nice to have gravity working in my favor for once. I only descended 100ft over the course of the day, but it was enough to give me a physical and emotional boost as I covered my furthest distance of the expedition, 25.5 miles…almost a marathon! Remember week 3 when I was getting crushed by the deep snow and only moving 10-11 miles everyday? That was brutal, but I kept imagining a day like today would eventually come so I kept getting out of my tent each morning and showing up. I believe this is often the case with any big goal. There are so many challenges along the way, and in those moments it’s so easy to want to quit. However it’s in those moments when we need to strengthen our resolve, knowing that one day all the challenge and turmoil of battling the metaphorical deep snow will pay off. No matter what you are currently working on, remember one day the uphill will turn to downhill and the deep snow will give way to firm ground and then you’ll feel like you are flying and it will all be worth it. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

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O’Brady se na posljednju etapu od 125 kilometra otisnuo na božićno jutro i uspješno je završio za 32 sata.

Mladić iz Portlanda objavio je fotografiju na Instagramu uz drvenu ploču koja označava kraj ledene ploče Ross gdje završava kopnena masa kontinenta i počinje vječni led.

“Kada sam skijama prešao ovu zamišljenu crtu, ostvario sam svoj cilj: postao sam prvi čovjek u povijesti koji je prešao Antarktiku od jedne do druge obale, sam samcat i bez ičije pomoći”, napisao je O’Brady.

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January 2016 at the South Pole. This photo was taken at the beginning of my Explorers Grand Slam expedition. Less than three years later, I’m looking forward to passing through there again! I’m 30 days into my journey to complete a solo, unsupported, unaided crossing of Antarctica. Yesterday I reached 87 degrees the final waypoint before turning my path directly toward the Pole. Today, I’m ~170 miles from the South Pole and making my way one step at a time! If you haven’t seen the Sunday @NYTimes article already, pick up a copy today. Top of the fold cover of Sunday Sports, the article features a day in the life rundown of what my hour-by-hour routine looks like as I cross Antarctica. @jennabesaw tells me there is a beautiful illustration of my IG photo update from Day 15. I can’t wait to see it; will someone save me a copy? ? Thanks again to @adamskolnick for reporting. Link in Bio. Check it out! And, be on the lookout for my regular evening IG update later today.

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Isti podvig, ali prije O’Bradyja ostvario je Britanac Loui Rudd, blizak prijatelj Henryja Worsleya koji je 2016. umro od infekcije nekoliko dana nakon što je odustao manje od 50 kilometara od cilja.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

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