Nogometaši minhenskog Bayerna plasirali su se u finale Njemačkog kupa svladavši u Bremenu Werder s 3-2.
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epa07525944 Bayern's head coach Niko Kovac before the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/FOCKE STRANGMANN CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
Foto: fah
epa07525658 Bayern's head coach Niko Kovac before the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and FC Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/DAVID HECKER CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
epa07525672 Bayern's head coach Niko Kovac before the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and FC Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/DAVID HECKER CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
epa07526066 Bayern's Jerome Boateng (back) in action against Bremen's Yuya Osako (front) during the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and FC Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/DAVID HECKER CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
Foto: fah
epa07526067 Bayern's head coach Niko Kovac (2-R) gives instructions to Thomas Mueller (L) and James Rodriguez (back L) during the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and FC Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/DAVID HECKER CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
epa07526077 Bayern's head coach Niko Kovac (C) reacts during the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and FC Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/DAVID HECKER CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
epa07526079 Bremen's Milot Rashica (L) in action against Bayern's Kingsley Coman (R) during the German DFB Cup semi final soccer match between Werder Bremen and Bayern Munich in Bremen, Germany, 24 April 2019. EPA/FOCKE STRANGMANN CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFB regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
Momčad Nike Kovača vodila je golovima Lewandowskog (33) i Muellera (63), sve do 74. minute kada domaćini u samo minutu golovima Osaka i Rashice stižu do izjednačenja. Ipak, u 80. minuti Lewandowski iz penala donosi novu prednost Bavarcima i konačnu pobjedu.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Bayern će u finalu igrati s Leipzigom, koji je u utorak slavio s 3-1 kod HSV-a.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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