epa10611834 Britain's King Charles III wears the Imperial State Crown as he enters the Golden State Coach after his and Queen Camilla's Coronation at Westminster Abbey, London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service was attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
Kralj Charles službeno okrunjen: Pogledajte kako je izgledala krunidba
Charles III. i njegova supruga Camilla okrunjeni su u londonskoj Westminsterskoj opatiji na svečanoj vjerskoj ceremoniji, u skladu s tradicijom dugom 1000 godina.
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epa10611840 Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla return to Buckingham Palace following their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The Coronation Procession in the Gold State Coach will be accompanied by members of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, British Overseas Territories and the Sovereign’s Bodyguard and Royal Watermen. EPA/NEIL HALL
epa10611838 Britain's Queen Camilla wearing a modified Queen Mary's crown smiles and waves as she sits in the Golden State Coach after Britain's King Charles III and her Coronation at Westminster Abbey, London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service was attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
epa10611834 Britain's King Charles III wears the Imperial State Crown as he enters the Golden State Coach after his and Queen Camilla's Coronation at Westminster Abbey, London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service was attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
epa10611826 Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla travel from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace after their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The Coronation Procession in the Gold State Coach is accompanied by members of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, British Overseas Territories and the Sovereign’s Bodyguard and Royal Watermen. EPA/Martin Divisek
epa10611659 Britain's Prince Harry (R), Duke of Sussex, arrives for the Coronation of Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service will be attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain EPA-EFE/Andy Rain
epa10611662 Britain's Prince Andrew, Duke of York, arrives for the Coronation of Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service will be attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
epa10611663 Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf (R) and Crown Princess Victoria (L) arrive for the Coronation of Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service will be attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
epa10611573 Britain's King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla leave Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Neil Hall
epaselect epa10611571 A mounted officer of the Household Cavalry waits for Britain's King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla leaving Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Neil Hall
epa10611561 The King's Guard stand outside Buckingham Palace before Britain's King Charles III Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Neil Hall
epa10611666 Britain's King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla travel through Parliament Square to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Tolga Akmen
epa10611672 Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (L) and his wife Akshata Murthy arrive for the Coronation of Britain's King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. Coronations of British Kings and Queens have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years. The service will be attended by around 100 heads of state from around the world. EPA/Andy Rain
epa10611574 Britain's King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla leave Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Neil Hall
epa10611577 Britain's King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla leave Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey for their Coronation ceremony in London, Britain, 06 May 2023. The King's Procession in the Diamond Jubilee State coach is accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry. EPA/Neil Hall
Charlesova krunidba trajala je kraće od one njegove majke prije sedam desetljeća. Tadašnja ceremonija, inače prvi takav događaj koji se prenosio uživo, trajala je više od tri sata, a ova je trajala sat kraća. Prisustvovali su i predstavnici drugih vjera kako bi se predočila raznolikost suvremene Britanije.
Oko 2300 uzvanika dobilo je pozivnice za ceremoniju u Westminsterskoj opatiji, među njima su članovi kraljevske obitelji i predstavnici iz 203 zemlje, od kojih je oko 100 predsjednika država, piše HRT.
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