Mađarski premijer Viktor Orban u utorak je poručio izraelskom premijeru Benjaminu Netanyahuu da je Mađarska činila zločine protiv Židova u 20. stoljeću, no da više nikad neće tolerirati antisemitizam, prenosi Reuters.
Netanyahu je istaknuo kako ga je Orban na nedvosmislen način uvjerio da mađarska vlada stoji uz židovski narod, a to je nazvao “važnim riječima” u kontekstu nedavnih poteza mađarskog premijera koji su izazvali kritike židovske zajednice u toj zemlji.
PM Netanyahu Lays a Wreath by the Tomb of the Unknown Solider …
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mrs Sara Netanyahu laid a wreath by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Heroes’ Square in Budapest.
Video: Omer Miron, GPO
Sound: Ben Peretz, GPOPosted by The Prime Minister of Israel on 18. srpnja 2017
> Izrael uz Orbana – George Soros financira organizacije koje potkopavaju našu državu
“Mađarska i Izrael su svjesni povijesti, no gledaju u budućnost”, rekao je Netanyahu na konferenciji za novinare, otkrivši da je s mađarskim kolegom razgovarao o zabrinutosti židovske zajednice i dodavši da poštuje Orbanov odgovor na to.
Dolazak izraelskog premijera, što je prvi takav posjet u 30 godina, otvorit će novo poglavlje u bilateralnim odnosima i služiti kao temelj za “suradnju koja će se fokusirati na budućnost”, naglasio je mađarski premijer. Netanyahua je nazvao “domoljubom” i poručio kako će “patriotske vlade biti uspješne u budućnosti”.
Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Hungaria…
Thank you, Prime Minister Orbán, for this very warm welcome. I am honored to be the first Israeli sitting prime minister to have an official visit to Hungary. It’s quite astounding that it didn’t happen before. It’s about time. And it’s wonderful to be here on this first time.
When I come to Hungary, the first thing I think about, before anything else, is that Hungary was the, in many ways, the birth of modern Zionism, the movement that led to the establishment of the modern Jewish state because in Hungary was born our modern Moses, Theodore Herzl. And I intend to visit on this visit the site of his home. It is probably inconceivable to think of the Jewish state, the State of Israel today, if it weren’t for that man born here in 1860, who envisioned the rebirth of the Jewish state and who saw in his mind’s-eye also the great challenges that would be posed anti-Semitism. He thought that this ultimately was the best solution for the Jewish people.
Now, since that time, obviously, the Jewish people have suffered great tragedy. We’ve overcome it. You’ve alluded to it. And also, the people of Hungary faced great struggles, and you’ve overcome it. You have, we have both built modern, vibrant states. We recognize the past as we seize the future. The future I think belongs to those countries who innovate. Israel is an innovation nation. Hungary is a country with great, great talents. And we believe that this partnership, along the lines that Prime Minister Orbán discussed, I think these are the ways to proceed.
Tomorrow, there is going to be a meeting here of CEOs from both countries. They’ll meet to discuss economic and business terms. Prime Minister Orbán and I also discussed cooperating on areas such as cyber and areas of security, which are important for both countries. And of course this will… I am sure that this will get a practical boost from this visit. Of course we are going to instruct our – and we have – our respective people to make sure that this happens. But the idea is not to stay where we are, but to move forward. I think there is a great future for both of us. I know that technology by itself, Prime Minister, my experience, is not enough. It’s a requisite, but it’s not sufficient. What you need to make economies grow is reforms, market reforms. We discussed this many years ago. You called me and you said, “We’d like to learn from your experience.” And I actually sent somebody there to tell you at least what we were doing. I have since followed what you have been doing. And obviously there has been a growth of both of our economies, and I think together we can do even more. And this is, I think, the result of this visit.
We’re also going to deepen cultural ties to bring our peoples closer. Many Israelis come here. I invite Hungarians to come to Israel. You have a beautiful country. We have a beautiful country. I think we should visit each other.
I discussed with Prime Minister Orbán the concerns that I heard raised from the Jewish community. He reassured me in unequivocal terms, just as he did now, publicly. I appreciate that. These are important words.
And I also want to thank you, Prime Minister, for standing up for Israel in international forums. You’ve done that time and again. We appreciate this stance, not only because it’s standing with Israel, but it’s also standing with the truth. And I believe that Emanuel Macron, whom I visited with yesterday, two days ago, said something very important. He said there’s a new anti-Semitism that is expressed in anti-Zionism, that is, in delegitimizing the one and only Jewish state. In many ways, Hungary is at the forefront of the states that are opposed to this anti-Jewish policy, and I welcome it. I express the appreciation of my government and the people, many people in Israel, for this.
Equally, I want to say that I look forward to the opportunity tomorrow to meet with the Visegrad Group. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for hosting this group, to invite me to speak to this group, because I believe that we have many, many common interests. So for all these reasons, I want to say thank you for this invitation and I look forward to our discussions.
Video: GPO
Posted by The Prime Minister of Israel on 18. srpnja 2017
> Saveznik Georga Sorosa prijeti rezanjem EU fondova za zemlje koje neće migrante?
Mađarska vlada pokrenula je kampanju koja ukazuje na opasnosti nekontroliranih useljavanja i stranih utjecaja u kojoj rabi fotografiju američkog financijera židovsko-mađarskog podrijetla Georga Sorosa, što je tamošnja židovska zajednica proglasila antisemitskim i pozvala Orbana da zaustavi tu akciju.
Soros je tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata emigrirao u Sjedinjene Države, tamo je stekao veliko bogatstvo, te je danas uključen u promoviranje ekstremno liberalnih vrijednosti otvorenih vrata u poslijekomunističkoj istočnoj Europi, zbog čega je u sukobu s pogledom na svijet mađarskog čelnika.
> Orban: Soros je na čelu velike mafijaške mreže, financira NVO i krijumčare ljudima
Prošle godine hakeri su objavili više od 2500 dokumenata Soroseve organizacije Otvoreno društvo.
Dokumenti otkrivaju strategije, planove rada i Soroseve aktivnosti. Uplitanje u države diljem Europe, SAD-a, izvješća o migracijama, azilantima, raznim udrugama koje djeluju u njegovom interesu.
Hakeri su otkrili da je Soros financirao i spotove hrvatske nevladine udruge GONG, ali otkrili su i imena njegovih saveznika u Europskom parlamentu.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasaIzvor: hina/em
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