Utorak, 14 siječnja, 2025
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Tenisačica se prisjetila teških dana: ‘Ovo je apsolutno užasno i nepotrebno, pokazujete koliko ste pohlepni i kako postupate neljudski’


Bivša srpska tenisačica s australskim državljanstvom Jelena Dokić iz Melbournea se oglasila zgrožena praznim policama uslijed pandemije koronavirusa.

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“Ovo je apsolutno užasno i nepotrebno. Ne znam jesam li više ljuta ili tužna. Kao netko tko je proživio ratne strahote kao izbjeglica, kao netko tko se na svoje oči uvjerio kako to izgleda kad na policama trgovina nema hrane – i to ne zato što ljudi prekomjerno kupuju, nego zato što u cijeloj državi doslovno nedostaje hrane – kao netko tko je noćima i danima bio gladan, kao netko tko nije imao niti novaca za kupnju hrane i kao netko tko je satima stajao u redovima u 4 ujutro na velikoj hladnoći kako bi kao dijete dobio komad kruha te kao netko tko nije imao struje ni grijanja na -20 stupnjeva, vjerujte mi kad vam kažem da je ovo što radite u potpunosti nepotrebno”, poručila je Dokić iz Australije.

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This is absolutely terrible and not necessary and I am not sure if I am more angry or sad. As someone who has seen war and being a refugee more than once,as someone who has genuinely seen what it looks like when there is no food in stores not because people are over buying but because there is no food in the whole country,as someone who went hungry many days and nights,as someone who had no money to buy food and as someone who stood in lines for hours at a time at 4 am in freezing cold as a kid to be able to get a small piece of bread and had no electricity and heating when it was -20 outside,trust me what we are doing now is not necessary. In fact it is inconsiderate,greedy,rude and disgusting. We are in tough and unprecedented times but there is more than enough food and supplies to go around for years to come and we have enough to feed everyone. This panic buying is just hoarding and all of those people that bought so much food and don’t even get me started on the toilet paper,bought more than enough for months and even years.It’s a joke. With that all of those people showed just how greedy they are and unkind. Instead of being so selfish some of those people should be checking on the elderly and people with disabilities and helping them buy food and whatever else they need because they all missed out and they are doing it tough right now and are the most vulnerable. Let’s stop being selfish and let’s unite and stand together to get through this.We will get through this but in the meantime let’s help the ones that need help and instead of making the news for fighting with each other in the supermarkets,let’s make the news for helping the vulnerable and uniting together. Be kind to one another and stay strong,healthy and safe everyone. ????????????? #corona #coronavirus #virus #together #unite #covid_19 #covid #covıd19 #australia #melbourne #greed #selfish #greedy #unkind #bekind #helpeachother #dotherightthing #emptyshelves #notok #stophoarding #stophoardingtoiletpaper #wewillgetthroughthis #sad #angry #stop #stoppanicbuying

Objavu dijeli Jelena Dokic ?????? (@dokic_jelena)

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“To panično kupovanje je prešlo svaku mjeru, kupovanje zaliha kao da su vam potrebne za više godina, to je tragikomično. Time samo pokazujete koliko ste pohlepni i kako postupate neljudski. Prestanimo biti sebični i ujedinimo se protiv ove bolesti. Prebrodit ćemo sve ako joj se suprotstavimo zajednički. Budimo dobri jedni prema drugima i ostanimo jaki, zdravi i sigurni”, zaključila je Jelena.

Ona je rođena Osječanka koja je u karijeri nastupala i pod zastavom Australije i pod zastavom Srbije i Crne Gore, a bila je izložena zlostavljanju vlastitog oca koje je poprimilo i veće razmjere jer se zaljubila u Hrvata.

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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Podržite nas! Kako bismo Vas mogli nastaviti informirati o najvažnijim događajima i temama koje se ne mogu čitati u drugim medijima, potrebna nam je Vaša pomoć. Molimo Vas podržite Narod.hr s 10, 15, 25 ili više eura. Svaka Vaša pomoć nam je značajna! Hvala Vam! Upute kako to možete učiniti možete pronaći OVDJE

Izvor: narod.hr

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